Leadership Programmes
Please see below our leadership programmes
Festivals of sport – Leadership and intra-competition Do your children take part in intra-competitions? Do you have leaders who could lead events for other children? We will design a festival of sport for your school. KS2 leaders could be trained to lead a festival for KS1 pupils. Alternatively, you may want all KS2 to take part in an intra-competition in sports of your choice. A festival of sport can involve many pupils teaching the skills of leadership, participation and competition, and communication.
Earth Tribe Leadership award This is a one-day course for children who have the potential to become climate change ambassadors across your school. We will teach your children to lead activities across the school in a fun and engaging way. The activities will be delivered in the outdoors. This will raise standards and increase engagement in science and literacy and develop leadership
Sugar Smart Leaders How Sugar Smart are the children in your school? Do they have the knowledge to make smart choices when it comes to choosing snacks, packed lunches or main meals? Do they regularly eat a balanced diet? This programme is aimed at teaching 16 – 20 pupils with strong leadership skills to become Sugar Smart, organising activities for younger children/peers to encourage them to be Sugar Smart and promoting healthy choices and physical activity in your school. This can also support you in gaining healthy school status as it could be used as a case study in your school.
Wild Tribe Literacy Leaders Course This is a one-day course for children who have the potential to lead literacy across your school. We will teach your literacy leaders to lead activities through literacy across the school in a fun and engaging way. The activities will be delivered in the outdoors. This will raise standards and increase engagement in literacy alongside encouraging children to be more active.
Wild Tribe Rangers Do you have children in your school who enjoy learning in the outdoors and would like to develop their outdoor skills through leadership? We have developed a programme which promotes leadership skills and encourages children to take a lead role in organising activities for younger children/peers through outdoor learning. On completion of the course they will achieve Wild Tribe Ranger status and will be awarded a certificate and badge.
Playground Leaders This is a new and improved 6 hour course which will train and support playground leaders in the delivery of playground games and activities for their peers and support you as a school in the delivery of 30 active minutes per day.