Quotes from Ofsted and Schools
The Wild Tribe programme is recognised by Ofsted at Holsworthy Primary school!
'Teachers in the outdoor learning programme plan learning carefully so that it is matched to pupils’ different interests and needs. Teachers manage risks well so that pupils can take part in a range of exciting activities that develop their self-confidence and self-esteem.’ (Ofsted July 2018)
‘We all look forward to Wild Tribe with Mrs Blackbird. Being in the woods learning in a fun, safe environment has helped to develop life skills and memories that will stay with the children all their lives.’ Julie Rowe HLTA Cardinham School
‘Wild Tribe has been a wonderful process that has offered the children at our school opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a local woodland environment. The children are really beginning to understand their senses and are developing a more creative, imaginative way of thinking and seeing the world around them. Each Wild Tribe session has drawn the children together as a group and they are now becoming far more supportive of one another when attempting something difficult and they are working much better as a team. We always have so much fun every week, despite the cold and rain!’ Suzanne Hook TA
Cardinham School
Quotes from the children at Cardinham School
‘We have lots of opportunities to work together, which improves our ability to work as a team.’
‘In Wild Tribe you can escape and be free.’
‘Wild Tribe is fun because we are able to learn whilst completing challenges with our friends.’
‘Wild Tribe teaches us all about fire safety and other important life skills that you aren’t able to learn in the classroom.’
‘I look forward to it every week.’
‘It has been lovely to watch the children over the past term take part in such a variety of activities. It has enhanced so many vital skills that they will take forward not only through school but through life! With Year Two being jam packed, it is often that we don’t get the chance to get the children outside enjoying nature for what it is. For some of them, this will have been their first opportunity to light a fire, try hot chocolate from a kelly kettle, spray their friends with a water gun and most importantly, get wet and muddy! We have learnt so much ourselves that we hope we can now put into practice; the ideas are so simple but so effective and we just hope we’ll be able to carry them off as well as you and your team do each session! Thank you so much for this wonderful experience and we’ll be sure to spread the word of WILD TRIBE and its ethos far and wide.’ Katie Lee-Elkins KS1 Lead Wadebridge Primary
Quotes from the children at Wadebridge Primary
‘I like making the dragon eggs because you got to create your own patterns and they look really cool.’
'I loved it when we lit the fire and had hot chocolate because we don’t get to do that very often. It was yummy!’
‘I enjoyed exploring the field and all the wildlife that lives there.’
Playing hide and seek is so much fun with all my friends and trying to trick Mrs Blackbird!’
‘I loved learning about how to light a fire. I didn’t realise you could do it with cotton wool. It will be exciting to try with my family!’
‘I like learning about the Kelly kettle, I had never seen one before.’
‘I have enjoyed learning about my different senses, particularly the smelling activity. We had to really practice our teamwork turtle skills!’
‘It has been great fun learning new things and getting to try things we normally wouldn’t at school!’