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Arena Schools

Arena Schools

St Stephen’s School become Earth Tribe Leaders

Year 5 pupils at St Stephen’s School, Launceston, learnt all about what it takes to be an Earth Tribe Leader. Someone who takes the lead in understanding and educating others on a crucial topic - saving the world!

They talked about who they know that is already doing this, David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg and Jane Goodall, and what traits they need to join them in their mission to protect the environment. The children made wild seed bombs and learnt about the importance of re-wilding an area of their school site. They took part in wild cooking, making nettle syrup to put on their popcorn as a natural alternative as a result of foraging.

They discussed recycling, repairing and re-using and took part in some active recycling relays.

They learnt about the importance of leadership and how they can make a sustainable change to their environment.